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news in brief
Falcon 9 sets booster turnaround record with NRO launch
Posted: Sun, Mar 23 9:58 AM ET (1358 GMT)
NASA and Boeing studying options for next Starliner test flight
Posted: Sun, Mar 23 9:57 AM ET (1357 GMT)
New survey raises questions about constancy of dark energy
Posted: Sun, Mar 23 9:53 AM ET (1353 GMT)
news links
Tuesday, March 25
Attorney General Phil Weiser seeks $1.2M to keep Space Command in Colorado, fight other federal legal battles
Colorado Politics
6:30 am ET (1030 GMT)
SMDC welcomes new deputy commander for operations
US Army
6:30 am ET (1030 GMT)
Firefly Aerospace Selects Blue Origin’s Honeybee Robotics to Provide Rover for Lunar Mission to Gruithuisen Domes
Firefly Aerospace
6:27 am ET (1027 GMT)
Bill would permit SpaceX to control beach closures in South Texas
Houston Chronicle
6:25 am ET (1025 GMT)
Spiral in the sky likely to be from SpaceX launch
6:25 am ET (1025 GMT)
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