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House and Senate spending bills cut NASA budget
Posted: Sat, Jul 15, 2023, 7:25 AM ET (1125 GMT)
NASA House and Senate appropriators have drafted bills that would fund NASA in 2024 at slightly below its 2023 level. Senate appropriators approved a commerce, justice and science (CJS) spending bill Thursday that would provide $25.0 billion for NASA, less than the $25.4 billion it received in 2023 and the $27.2 billion it requested in 2024. House appropriators are scheduled to mark up their version of a CJS bill at a subcommittee meeting today. Their bill would give NASA nearly $25.4 billion. Exploration programs would get most, if not all, of what NASA requested but science programs faced significant cuts. Senate appropriators appeared particularly concerned about Mars Sample Return, offering less than a third of what NASA requested for the effort and directing NASA to get the program within a cost cap of no more than $5.3 billion.
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