Posted: Tue, Feb 13, 2001, 6:33 PM ET (2333 GMT)

While the crew of the shuttle Atlantis continue their current mission at the International Space Station, the shuttle Discovery was rolled out to the launch pad Monday in preparation for its flight next month. Discovery is scheduled for launch on STS-102, also known as ISS assembly flight 5A.1, on March 8 from launch pad 39B. The mission will carry to ISS the Expedition Two crew of Yuri Usachev, James Voss, and Susan Helms; the current Expedition One crew of Bill Shepherd, Sergei Krikalev and Yuri Gidzenko will return to Earth on the shuttle at the end of the mission. Discovery will also deliver the Italian-built "Leonardo" Multipurpose Logistics Module, filled with equipment for the station's new Destiny lab module.