Posted: Tue, Feb 13, 2001, 12:36 AM ET (0536 GMT)

Two shuttle astronauts performed a virtually flawless EVA Monday, completing several tasks on the exterior of the International Space Station. The primary goal for astronauts Bob Curbeam and Tom Jones was to install a docking port on the far end of the new Destiny module. The port, originally on the portion of Unity that was mated to Destiny during Saturday's EVA, was installed without problems. Curbeam and Jones performed several other tasks outside Destiny, including installing guides that will be used for future spacewalks as well as anchor a future robot arm. They also performed tasks during the six hour, 50 minute spacewalk that were originally scheduled for Wednesday's third and final EVA, such as installing a protective shutter over a large window on the module. While the shuttle astronauts worked outside Destiny, the ISS Expedition One crew worked inside the module, turning on and checking a series of gyroscopes that will be used for attitude control once the shuttle departs Friday.