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Essay alleges safety, workplace problems at Blue Origin
Posted: Sat, Oct 2, 2021, 9:52 AM ET (1352 GMT)
The FAA says its reviewing allegations of safety issues at Blue Origin revealed by a group of current and former employees Thursday. In an essay, the group claimed that a push by company executives to increase the flight rate of its New Shepard suborbital vehicle "was seriously compromising flight safety," with one stating that the company was "lucky" nothing had gone wrong so far. The essay didn't offer specifics about those safety issues beyond a concern there weren't enough resources available for teams working on the vehicle. The FAA said it was reviewing the information, but did not state if it was aware of any specific issues on New Shepard flights it has licensed. Safety was just one of several issues about Blue Origin raised in the essay, which argued there was a toxic workplace environment at the company, including sexism and intolerance for dissenting views. Blue Origin rejected those arguments and said it believed New Shepard is the "safest space vehicle" ever built.
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