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SpaceX delays Falcon 9 launch to review systems
Posted: Wed, Aug 27, 2014, 9:01 AM ET (1301 GMT)
Falcon 9 v1.1 launch of AsiaSat 8 (AsiaSat) SpaceX has delayed the next launch of its Falcon 9 rocket, which was scheduled for early Wednesday, by one to two weeks to review potential failure modes with the rocket. The company said in a statement Tuesday night, several hours after the delay was first announced, that it wanted "to review all potential failure modes and contingencies again," but said there was no specific issue with the rocket itself or its satellite payload, AsiaSat 6. The company also said the delay was not specifically linked to the loss of its F9R-Dev experimental vehicle during a flight Friday at the company's Texas test site. That flight, SpaceX said, suffered from a "blocked sensor port problem" that would not have been an issue on an operational Falcon 9.
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