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NASA announces internal reorganization
Posted: Fri, Jan 16, 2004, 7:14 AM ET (1214 GMT)
NASA NASA announced Thursday a "complete restructuring" of the offices within NASA Headquarters, creating a new position designed to oversee the agency's new exploration directive. The agency named Craig E. Steidle, a retired Navy admiral, to the new position of Associate Administrator, Office of Exploration Systems. That position was created to oversee the new program of exploration that President Bush directed NASA to undertake on Wednesday. Steidle had been chief aerospace engineer for the Naval Air Systems Command before his retirement in 2000; since then he worked as an aerospace consultant. NASA also named J. Victor Lebacqz as the Associate Administrator for the Office of Aeronautics, formerly the Office of Aerospace Technology. The agency also created several new positions within the office of NASA Administrator.
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Friday, January 31
SpaceX builds new launch pad, mechanical chopsticks tower
KVEO-TV Rio Grande Valley, TX — 7:26 am ET (1226 GMT)

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