Posted: Tue, Apr 10, 2001, 2:33 PM ET (1833 GMT)

The Bush Administration revealed on Monday the details of its proposed 2002 budget, including the $14.5 billion it plans to spend on NASA. The budget includes cuts in a number of aeronautics and science programs, including the Pluto Kuiper Express (PKE) and Solar Probe missions, as previously announced. NASA will make up for some of those cuts by starting a $310 million advanced propulsion technology program to make it possible to cut the travel time on outer solar system missions like PKE. NASA administrator Dan Goldin also said the agency plans to press ahead with the controversial Triana Earth-observing spacecraft, originally proposed by then-Vice President Al Gore, although there are no immediate plans to launch the spacecraft as it cannot be accommodated on the STS-107 shuttle mission. Congress will likely take up the budget proposal later this spring, although the full Congress may not pass the final version of the budget until the fall.