Posted: Sun, Apr 8, 2001, 1:22 PM ET (1722 GMT)

India has rescheduled the maiden launch of its new rocket for April 18, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) announced Saturday. The first launch of the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) had been planned for March 28, but the countdown was aborted at T-1 second because of a problem with one of four strap-on boosters attached to the GSLV's first stage. In a statement, ISRO officials said the problem was traced to defective plumbing in an oxidizer flow line, preventing the engine from developing enough thrust. That engine will be replaced with a backup engine in time for an April 18 launch attempt. The problem was unrelated to flames seen shooting out of the side of one of the strap-ons: ISRO said that was caused the incidental burning of foam insulation pads that did not cause any other damage to the vehicle. Additional flame protection will be provided for those insulation pads to prevent fires from breaking out in the future. The three-stage GSLV is the first Indian launcher capable of placing spacecraft into geosynchronous orbit; the payload on its first flight will be the GSAT-1 experimental communications satellite.