Former astronaut and senator John Glenn said this week that NASA needs to do a better explaining to the American people what it does, the Huntsville Times reported. Glenn, attending a meeting of the NASA Advisory Council, said that "NASA has done a lousy job explaining itself so the public can understand what it does." NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe, responding to Glenn and other members of the committee, said he will look into ways to get NASA's message out to the general public in a better way.
An American flag recovered from the debris of the World Trade Center and flown in space was returned to New York during a ceremony on Friday, Flag Day. The flag, as well as 6,000 smaller flags and a number of badges and patches, was flown on the STS-108 shuttle mission in December 2001. The flags were flown as part of NASA's "Flags for Heroes and Families" project; the smaller flags will be given to families of the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
An experimental greenhouse designed to test techniques for growing plants on Mars has been shipped in Canada for tests this summer. The Arthur Clarke Mars Greenhouse, provided by, was shipped from California to Resolute Bay in the Canadian Arctic earlier this week. The greenhouse will then be transported to Devon Island, site of the NASA Haughton Mars Project, for tests during the summer research season.