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Lockheed Martin wins contract for Space Fence
Posted: Wed, Jun 4, 2014, 6:59 AM ET (1059 GMT)
The US Air Force has awarded a $914-million contract to Lockheed Martin to develop a new radar system to track satellites and orbital debris. Lockheed Martin will build "up to two" S-band radars, the first of which will be installed at Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific Ocean and scheduled to begin operations in 2018. The radars will track objects in orbit to support space situational awareness efforts, including predicting potential collisions, and will be able to better track smaller objects than existing systems. Lockheed beat out Raytheon for the contract.
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Russian cosmonauts complete ISS spacewalk
Posted: Sat, Dec 21 12:02 PM ET (1702 GMT)

news links
Thursday, December 26
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ESA Enlists Portuguese Navy Submarine to Prepare for Deep Space
European Spaceflight — 7:22 am ET (1222 GMT)
Has CNES Opened the Door for a European Space Station?
European Spaceflight — 7:21 am ET (1221 GMT)
Summer read: Cosmic Catastrophes
Cosmos Magazine — 7:18 am ET (1218 GMT)

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