Posted: Sat, Dec 8, 2001, 5:41 PM ET (2241 GMT)

Sean O'Keefe, President Bush's nominee to become the next administrator of NASA, told Senators at a confirmation hearing Friday that he promises a number of financial and managerial reforms at the space agency. O'Keefe said he would emphasize a "back to basics" mentality at NASA and will work to reform the agency's management while striving to return the agency to its research and development roots. O'Keefe said he is interested in, but not necessarily committed to, privatizing the shuttle. He also said that he plans to follow the recommendations of the Young report from last month, which recommended that NASA not expand the International Space Station beyond its current three-person capacity until the project management is in better shape. O'Keefe was generally warmly received by Senators, although some expressed concern about the station, possibly shuttle layoffs, and the specter of field center closings. O'Keefe is expected to be confirmed by the Senate as early as next week, and start work shortly after the beginning of the new year.