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China launches European communications satellite
Posted: Fri, Oct 7, 2011, 8:32 PM ET (0032 GMT)
Long March 3B launch of Eutelsat W3C (Xinhua) A Long March rocket launched a European communications satellite on Friday, marking the first Chinese launch for a Western company in over a decade. The Long March 3B rocket lifted off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center at 4:21 am EDT (0821 GMT, 4:21 pm Beijing time) Friday and placed the Eutelsat W3C satellite into orbit. The satellite, build by Thales Alenia Space, weighed 5,400 kilograms at launch and carries a mix of Ku- and Ka-band transponders. European satellite operator Eutelsat will use the satellite at 16 degrees east in GEO to provide communications services in portions of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. The launch marks the first time a Chinese rocket has launched a satellite for a Western owner since 1999. US regulations prevent the export to China of satellites built by American companies or containing American components, which has greatly restricted the commercial market for Chinese launch vehicles. Eutelsat W3C is a so-called "ITAR-free" satellite built by Thales Alenia without using any American parts, allowing its export to and launch from China.
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