Posted: Sun, Jun 27, 2010, 10:07 AM ET (1407 GMT)

An Ariane 5 successfully launched two satellites late Saturday after two previous attempts earlier this week were scrubbed. The Ariane 5G lifted off from Kourou, French Guiana at 5:41 pm EDT (2141 GMT) and placed the Arabsat 5A and COMS satellites into geosynchronous transfer orbit about a half hour later. Arabsat 5A was built by EADS Astrium and Thales Alenia Space for Arabsat; the 4,939-kilogram communications satellite will operate from 30.5 degrees east. COMS, built by EADS Astrium for the Korea Aerospace Research Institute, carries communications, meteorological, and ocean-observing payloads; the 2,460-kilogram satellite will operate from 128 degrees east. The launch was the third attempt to place the satellites in orbit, after technical problems scrubbed attempts on Wednesday and Thursday.