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Congress criticizes NASA human spaceflight plans
Posted: Fri, Feb 26, 2010, 7:24 AM ET (1224 GMT)
US Capitol In a series of hearings this week members of Congress criticized NASA and the White House for its new human spaceflight policy the scraps the Constellation program in favor of technology development and reliance on commercial providers. NASA administrator Charles Bolden bore the brunt of the criticism in hearings Wednesday before the space subcommittee of the Senate Commerce Committee and on Thursday before the House Science and Technology Committee. Members raised concerns about job losses associated with the retirement of the shuttle and the cancellation of Constellation, as well as concerns about relying on commercial providers who have to yet to demonstrate the ability to transport astronauts to low Earth orbit. Presidential science advisor also received similar criticism in a pair of separate House hearings this week. While the criticism raised questions about the willingness of Congress to go along with the new policy, it's unlikely Congress will make any progress on the 2011 budget proposal that contains those changes for some months.
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