Posted: Thu, Nov 1, 2001, 5:24 PM ET (2224 GMT)

The space shuttle Endeavour was rolled out to the launch pad Wednesday under security precautions not seen before for a shuttle mission. Endeavour was moved from the Vehicle Assembly Building to pad 39b early Wednesday in preparation for its November 29 flight on mission STS-108 to the International Space Station. The time of the rollout was not previously announced by NASA, the first time that the rollout took place in secrecy. Several aircraft, including F-15 fighters, patrolled the airspace around the Kennedy Space Center during the rollout. The Orlando Sentinel reported that there will be additional changes intended to enhance security for the launch, including not displaying countdown clocks until the T-9 minute mark, curtailing launch commentary on NASA TV, and not publicizing milestones leading up to the launch, such as fueling, until after they take place. Such procedures were used during classified shuttle missions for the Defense Department from 1985 to 1990.