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Report concludes space program should align with national priorities
Posted: Wed, Jul 8, 2009, 7:23 AM ET (1123 GMT)
A report issued Tuesday by the National Academies concludes that America's civil space program should be aligned with broader national goals, including an emphasis on Earth science and technology development. The report, "America's Future in Space", said that the civil space program, which includes not just NASA but other non-military government agencies as well as academia and the private sector, should focus on "Earth stewardship" as well as other science work. The report also called for the creation of a DARPA-like organization within NASA devoted to advanced technology development. The report also said that human spaceflight should remain a key part of the space program, but did not pass judgment on the Vision for Space Exploration.
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Russian cosmonauts complete ISS spacewalk
Posted: Sat, Dec 21 12:02 PM ET (1702 GMT)

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