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ISS crew performs spacewalk
Posted: Wed, Mar 11, 2009, 8:12 AM ET (1212 GMT)
ISS EVA on 2009 March 10 (NASA) Two members of the International Space Station's crew carried out a spacewalk Tuesday, performing several tasks outside the station in advance of upcoming Shuttle and Soyuz missions. Mike Fincke and Yury Lonchakov spent four hours and 48 minutes outside the ISS Tuesday on an EVA that wrapped up ahead of schedule at 5:11 pm EDT (2111 GMT). The two installed an experiment package on the exterior of the Zvezda module and also took photographs of the Russian segment of the station to document its condition. They also cut some loose straps near the docking port on the Pirs module to prevent them from interfering with spacecraft docking there. The third member of the current ISS crew, Sandra Magnus, monitored the EVA from inside the station.
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