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ISS crew performs spacewalk
Posted: Tue, Dec 23, 2008, 6:39 PM ET (2339 GMT)
ISS EVA on 2008 Dec 22 (NASA) Two members of the International Space Station's crew carried out a spacewalk outside the station Monday night to install experiments to the station's exterior. Michael Fincke and Yury Lonchakov spent five hours and 38 minutes outside the ISS on an EVA that started at 7:51 pm EST Monday (0051 GMT Tuesday) from the Pirs docking module on the station's Russian segment. The two installed an electromagnetic energy probe and other experiments outside the station. Most of the work went well, but they were unable to get one experiment, a European astrobiology experiment called Expose-R, to transmit telemetry after installation, and the spacewalkers carried the experiment back inside the station. The spacewalk was the first for Lonchakov and the fifth for Fincke.
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