Posted: Sat, Oct 18, 2008, 10:31 AM ET (1431 GMT)

The European Space Agency is expected to push back the launch of an ambitious Mars rover mission until the middle of the next decade because of growing costs. The ExoMars mission was planned for launch in 2013, but European governments have tentatively agreed to push the rover's launch back to the next launch window, in 2016, in order to cope with cost estimates that have grown to as much as €1.2 billion (US$1.61 billion). Several national governments had expressed concern about the high price and threatened not to support the program in its current form. In addition to the schedule slip, the ExoMars price tag will be capped at €1.2 billion (US$1.35 billion). ESA will also reportedly seek greater cooperation with the US and/or Russia to lower the cost of the mission to Europe.