Posted: Thu, Jun 14, 2007, 7:21 PM ET (2321 GMT)

An Atlas 5 launch of a classified payload was postponed Thursday because of a problem with range safety systems. The Atlas 5 401 was scheduled to launch Thursday from Cape Canaveral, Florida, in a window that opened at 11:18 am EDT (1518 GMT), but the launch was delayed and eventually scrubbed at about 11:40 am EDT (1540 GMT). Officials said a problem with communications used by range safety equipment on the Eastern Range forced the scrub. The launch has been rescheduled for Friday at 11:04 am EDT (1504 GMT), with a 70-percent chance of acceptable weather. Details about the payload, officially known as NROL-30, have not been disclosed, but the Atlas is believed to be carrying two naval surveillance satellites.