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Queen visits NASA Goddard
Posted: Wed, May 9, 2007, 8:32 AM ET (1232 GMT)
Queen Elizabeth II at NASA Goddard (NASA/GSFC) The Queen of England visited NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center on Tuesday and participated in a teleconference with the crew of the International Space Station. The highlight of the visit by Queen Elizabeth II was a live video conference with the three members of the Expedition 16 crew on the ISS. The queen did not ask the crew any direct questions, but was heard to say "fascinating" several times and did ask Mike Foale, a British-born NASA astronaut who accompanied the queen during her visit, about how long astronauts spend on the ISS. The queen also met with NASA administrator Mike Griffin and several politicians. The visit to Goddard was one of the last stops for the queen during her six-day visit to the United States.
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