Posted: Thu, Feb 22, 2007, 8:38 AM ET (1338 GMT)

NASA and space tourism operator Virgin Galactic signed a memorandum of understanding Wednesday that will permit them to cooperate on the development of a range of technologies. NASA's Ames Research Center will work with Virgin on systems such as spacesuits, thermal protection systems, hybrid propulsion systems, and hypersonic vehicles. Contrary to some media reports, the agreement does not include any deal for Virgin to train NASA astronauts, or vice versa, nor does it feature any agreement by NASA to purchase seats on Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo suborbital vehicle. Virgin Galactic, backed by billionaire Richard Branson, plans to begin commercial suborbital flights of SpaceShipTwo by 2009. The company has also expressed an interest in developing future vehicles that could be used for point-to-point high-speed travel on Earth as well as orbital vehicles.