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Inmarsat launch delayed
Updated: Mon, Nov 7, 2005, 8:20 AM ET (1320 GMT)
Originally Posted: Sat, Nov 5, 2005, 7:26 PM ET (0026 GMT)
Zenit 3SL launch of Estrela do Sul (Boeing) The launch of an Inmarsat communications satellite on a Zenit 3SL was delayed early Saturday after a problem was detected during launch preparations. The launch of the Inmarsat 4-F2 satellite was scheduled for Saturday at 9:18 am EST (1418 GMT), but was postponed early Saturday because of an "automated halt" during launch preparations, prior to fueling of the launch vehicle. No additional details about the problem were reported. The launch has been rescheduled for Tuesday morning, November 8. Inmarsat 4-F2 is the second in a series of large communications satellites designed to support high-speed mobile communications. The first Inmarsat 4 satellite was launched in March on at Atlas 5.
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