Posted: Wed, Jun 29, 2005, 8:20 AM ET (1220 GMT)

NASA Administrator Michael Griffin told members of Congress Tuesday that he believes that the space shuttle is ready to return to flight next month, despite the failure of the agency to meet all of the recommendations of an investigative board. Griffin, testifying before the House Science Committee, said that based on his understanding of launch preparations, "we're ready to go." That determination came despite a final report Monday by a task group that reviewed NASA's adherence to 15 recommendations made two years ago by the Columbia Accident Investigation Board: that report found NASA had still not met three of the 15 recommendations, although members of the group believed that the shuttle was probably safe enough to fly. A flight readiness review for the STS-114 mission is scheduled for later this week, and the launch window opens July 13. Griffin also told legislators at the hearing that he and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice have submitted a letter to Congress asking it to change provisions of the Iran Nonproliferation Act that prevent NASA from buying services from Russia.