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Massive solar flares may have protected early Earth
Posted: Thu, May 12, 2005, 7:02 AM ET (1102 GMT)
X-ray flares and protoplanetary disk (NASA) Powerful x-ray flares from the early Sun may have prevented the Earth from spiraling in, astronomers said Tuesday. That conclusion was based on observations of young Sun-like stars in the Orion Nebula by the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. Those observations found that young stars can produce flares at x-ray wavelengths that are 100 times as powerful as typical solar flares. Those flares, astronomers believe, can affect the protoplanetary disk that surrounds many such young stars and from which planets form. The flares can introduce turbulence into the disk, preventing planets that form within it from spiraling in towards the star.
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Musk calls for early end to ISS
Posted: Sat, Feb 22 11:22 AM ET (1622 GMT)

Airbus takes more losses on its space business
Posted: Sat, Feb 22 11:19 AM ET (1619 GMT)

SDA revokes Terran Orbital satellite contract
Posted: Sat, Feb 22 11:16 AM ET (1616 GMT)

news links
Sunday, February 23
Mystery of 'remarkable' cosmic explosion that lay hidden for years
Royal Astronomical Society — 1:41 pm ET (1841 GMT)
DESI Uncovers 300 New Intermediate-Mass Black Holes Plus 2500 New Active Black Holes in Dwarf Galaxies
National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory — 1:40 pm ET (1840 GMT)

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