Posted: Sun, Nov 21, 2004, 9:40 AM ET (1440 GMT)

The House of Representatives approved Saturday legislation that would improve the regulatory environment for developers and operators of commercial manned spacecraft. On a vote of 269-120, the House approved HR 5382, an updated version of the HR 3752 bill that the House passed on a nearly unanimous vote in March. The vote fell somewhat along party lines, with all but two Republicans voting for the bill while nearly two-thirds of Democrats voted against it. The bill appeared dead just a few days ago, when the House Transportation Committee blocked the bill after House and Senate negotiators had agreed to a compromise on the bill's language. On Thursday, though, the committee dropped its opposition, although the ranking Democrats on the full committee and its aviation subcommittee dissented, forcing a floor debate Friday afternoon and Saturday's vote. The Senate adjourned late Saturday night without considering the bill, although they plan to reconvene in early December to wrap up remaining legislation, including perhaps HR 5382.