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NASA Marshall restructures
Posted: Fri, Jul 2, 2004, 10:08 AM ET (1408 GMT)
NASA Following on the heels of a restructuring of NASA Headquarters, NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) announced this week its own reorganization. The realignment of offices within MSFC, announced Wednesday, will result in the creation of three "Program and Project" offices focused on space shuttle propulsion, space transportation, and space systems. MSFC will also create three directorates for engineering, science and research, and safety and mission assurance. The changes are designed to "consolidate and strengthen" the center's engineering capabilities as well as align the center more closely with NASA’s overall structure. The changes come a week after NASA announced a reorganization of the offices within its headquarters, scrapping the existing set of "enterprises" for four mission directorates devoted to aeronautics, science, space operations, and exploration. While the NASA headquarters changes will take effect in August, the changes at MSFC will take up to six months to fully implement.
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