Posted: Fri, Mar 12, 2004, 1:39 PM ET (1839 GMT)

The Mars rover Spirit approached a crater it has been moving towards for several weeks, while project officials said both rovers' lifespans should be much longer than originally planned. Spirit is now near the rim of Bonneville, a crater 200 meters in diameter a few hundred meters from where Spirit landed within Gusev crater. Project scientists have not decided yet, though, whether to send the rover inside the crater. Initial images of the interior of the crater show few interesting features, and the rough terrain could keep the rover trapped inside should it venture in. However, it appears both Spirit and Opportunity will have plenty of time to explore their respective landing sites: mission manager Jennifer Trosper said Thursday that both rovers should last at least 200 days, far longer than their original 90-day lifetime. The extended lifetime may make it possible for Spirit to venture to a hilly region 2.5 kilometers away before the mission ends.