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Hawaiian judge blocks NASA telescope plans
Posted: Mon, Jul 21, 2003, 8:27 PM ET (0027 GMT)
A federal judge in Hawaii last week blocked a NASA proposal to construct a series of smaller telescopes around the Keck Observatory until the agency conducts a new environmental impact assessment. NASA wants to spend $50 million constructing six "outrigger" telescopes around the twin ten-meter Keck telescopes atop Mauna Kea, Hawaii, for use in an optical interferometry project. However, last week a federal judge in Honolulu rejected an environmental impact statement prepared by NASA, calling the document inadequate and calling on the agency to prepare a more thorough one. Native Hawaii groups have expressed their opposition to the outrigger telescope plan, saying it would disrupt the environment atop the peak, considered sacred to Hawaiians. However, the judge allowed work to continue on obtaining a state permit for the process; lawyers for the University of Hawaii said that should keep the project from suffering considerable delays if the environmental assessment is finally approved.
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