Posted: Sat, Feb 8, 2003, 12:12 PM ET (1712 GMT)

The launch of a Delta 4 carrying a military payload has been postponed a month because repairs to the vehicle could not be completed before the launch range shut down for upgrades. The Delta 4 was last scheduled to launch on February 10 form Cape Canaveral, carrying the Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS) A3 spacecraft. However, technicians found contamination in a valve used in the steering system of the vehicle's main engine. The problem could not be corrected in time to permit a launch on the 10th, the last day the Eastern Range is open before is closes for a upgrade that will last through March 4. Boeing is now planning to conduct the launch as soon as possible after the range reopens. The launch will be the second for the Delta 4 and the first military launch of an Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) booster.