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Students to participate in Mars rover missions
Posted: Sun, Oct 20, 2002, 6:56 PM ET (2256 GMT)
Mars Exploration Rover (NASA/JPL) The Planetary Society announced last week that students will have an opportunity to join scientists involved with the twin Mars Exploration Rovers scheduled for launch next year. The Planetary Society is sponsoring an essay competition, Red Rover Goes To Mars, for students currently ages 12 through 16. The winners of the essay competition will join scientists in early 2004 when NASA's two Mars Exploration Rovers touch down on the Red Planet. Teams of two "student astronauts" will each spend a week with project scientists during the mission. The Planetary Society, in conjunction with Lego, also announced that it would supply two DVDs, one for each lander, that will carry the names of millions of people who sign up through a NASA web site.
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