Posted: Mon, Jun 18, 2007, 8:26 AM ET (1226 GMT)

Two shuttle astronauts completed the fourth and final spacewalk of the STS-117 mission on Sunday, putting the final touches on the installation of a truss segment on the International Space Station. Pat Forrester and Steve Swanson spent six and a half hours outside the ISS on Sunday, unlocking a joint on the new S3/S4 truss segment that will allow its solar panels to track the sun and performing other work to outfit the truss. The two also performed some "get-ahead" tasks for future assembly work. On Monday the STS-117 crew will pack up in advance of Thursday's scheduled undocking from the station. The crews will also perform final tests of the computer systems in the Russian segment of the station, which were returned to normal operation over the weekend. If Atlantic undocks on schedule Tuesday, it will land in Florida, weather permitting, on Thursday.