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SpaceX delays first launch
Posted: Thu, Sep 15, 2005, 8:15 AM ET (1215 GMT)
Falcon 1 engine test at VAFB (SpaceX) Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) has pushed back the first launch of its Falcon 1 launch vehicle to late October after a rocket engine failed during a ground test. The Merlin engine, used on the first stage of the Falcon 1, failed during a firing at a SpaceX test site in Texas as part of a qualification program. Company officials said they believe the failure is due to a manufacturing defect in that particular engine, and is not a design flaw with the engine design, but want to spend additional time to perform quality assurance tests and make minor changes to the engine. This will delay the launch of the first Falcon 1 from Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific from the end of September to late October. The Falcon 1 will carry a small Air Force experimental satellite, Falconsat 2. The Falcon 1 is the smallest of three vehicles under development by SpaceX that promise to offer less expensive space access. Last week the company unveiled the Falcon 9, a large launcher that will compete head-to-head with EELV-class boosters.
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