Don’t Even Show Up to Mars If Your Space Suit Isn’t by Y-3

Come to Mars, it's nice.
Come to Mars, it’s nice. Photo: Courtesy of Y-3/Nathan Gallagher

The inevitable earthling abandonment of this garbage planet for space is not far off, but one question remains: Are we going to look fly when we do it? Sure, you may have mentally prepared yourself to leave burgers and your weed dealer behind, but have you ever seen those bulky spacesuits that astronauts have to wear? Are we ready to spend a lifetime on Mars looking like we ate too much freeze-dried space ice cream?

To solve this problem, and to appease fuckbois who are also aspiring astronauts, Y-3 has teamed up with Virgin Galactic, Richard Branson’s space-flight company, to design sleeker, slimmer, and more stylish spacesuits for our mass exodus from Earth. Prototypes of the suits were unveiled at Spaceport America in New Mexico this week.

The Y-3 design team has paired the adidas brand’s technical know-how and Y-3’s directional approach to style with the use of advanced fabrics, special techniques and bespoke specifications to ensure fit, comfort and performance. This flight-suit is being designed to fully support a pilot’s natural seating position as identified through a series of tests and trials with the Virgin Galactic pilot corps. Material engineering is key, as the flight-suit has been constructed from Nomex Meta Aramid materials through a 3D engineered pattern. 

For any science nerds out there, the special Y-3 flight boots contain Nomex materials and leather, “including an outsole with TRAXION™ outsole lugs for ultimate grip and an adiPRENE® heel insert for comfort and shock absorption.” Sounds technical.

Hood by Air, you got next.

Lawrence Midwood wearing his design. Photo: Nathan Gallagher
See you there. Photo: Courtesy of Y-3/Nathan Gallagher
Don’t Show Up to Mars If You Aren’t Wearing Y-3